A light meter. If you had to look down here to see what this was, we need to talk.
A light meter. If you had to look down here to see what this was, we need to talk.

#15 in the series, 30 Ways of Wootness.

Sometimes you just gotta say “eh, screw this!” and take your attention and energy to something else. You’re gonna try some stuff that you wish you hadn’t. Some stuff is gonna seem like the best idea, ever. Until you do it.

You might get a brilliant idea for a 30 series column and stay excited until the daily readership dips to 5 before you’re willing to hang it up and cancel the series. Hey, networks do it all the time, right? You might have another brilliant idea for a mini-session that turns out to be way more work and higher COGs than your normal session. Oops, time to revamp the pricing on that. Over time we make decisions or begin projects that turn out to not be the stellar idea we originally thought.

You know what? It’s no big deal. We focus that energy elsewhere, somewhere that’s going to give us a better return on our investment.

Is there a dead horse out there that you’ve been beating? How many years have you donated your services somewhere in the expectation that the gig would eventually pay off? If it hasn’t, time to get rid of it and explore a new option. Is there a type of photography that you really dislike, but still accept appointments for? Stop it now!

Stop wasting non-productive energy. Make room for positive change. Quit the stuff that needs quitting.

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