Sole Proprietorship or LLC or S Corp ?

By request from Caroline: Can you please do an article on what type of entity to start with? I have emailed a few CPA’s, and my only response is, “Come to my office, and we will chat. It will costs about $500”. I just want a general what is best for a one woman photography …

Do not practice on paying clients!

OK – I’m on the soapbox, again, watch out! I briefly mentioned (see THIS article) that I would be addressing this issue in the future. The future has arrived. You are either in business or you are not. You should charge full price or you should pay to shoot. Do not, I repeat DO NOT …

QFR: How did you know when you were ready?

Melissa asks: This may be a silly question, but how did you know you were ready? Were there specific skills you worked on before applying? Are there specific training materials? Thank you NOTE: This question was in response to the article  “Set a Goal: Become Certified.”

Where do you get the disks to give clients?

Victoria & Travis write: My question is where do you get the disk that you give to your clients? We don’t give away high resolution disc, only web quality, but we get the disk from the local office max, they are blank, and we write the customers name on it with a sharpie. Considering our …

Set a Goal: Become Certified

Continuing with today’s theme of professional organizations, I would like to encourage you to set the goal of becoming a Certified Professional Photographer. Yes, I know this is beginning to sound like I’m a PPA pusher and it’s true. I believe in the PPA system 100%! I would not be where I am right now …

Why Am I Doing This?

I’ve gotten some feedback from some folks since the starting up of Most of it has been overwhelmingly positive, but I’ve had a few people just not “get” why I am doing this. They think I’m educating my competition and making the problem worse. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. It’s still a little …