Welcome to Wootness™!

Welcome, blah blah blah.

You’re going to find out soon enough that I’m not one to mince words, so I’m just going to go ahead and start this project out as myself. No namby-pamby BS to pull you in and make you feel all comfortable. I’m going to be like the irreverent aunt in the family that gives a refreshing view of the truth.

What the heck is Wootness™? Yeah, well, I made that up. And I’m trademarking it, so don’t get any ideas. Basically, “Wootness!” was a comment I began using in the world of social media. Who knows why. I just liked it and it kind of summed up the days of  awesomeness that periodically invaded my life.

I want you to have days of awesomeness.

If you’re like me, you’re female and you’re a photographer. Maybe you’re male. Stick around, I won’t hold that against you.

But unlike me, you probably don’t have two degrees. You probably don’t have a Bachelors in Management. You probably don’t have over 20 years in the business field. You’ve probably never stood in front of a group and taught a class on photography for 8 hours straight. You’ve probably not spent the last 7 years trying to start a career in photography. You’ve probably not won your fair share of awards or co-authored a book on photography.

Yes, I’ve done all that. But I’m not all that and a bag of chips. I’m just a normal, everyday woman trying to make her way in what has become a very oversaturated market.

If you can use some of my knowledge and experience to make your own journey a little smoother, then your life should have a fair amount of Wootness™.

I’m going to warn you, though, the “Big Girl” part of the title…. as in “Big Girl Panties”… put ’em on, because I don’t believe in sugar-coating anything. I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear. I’m going to tell you what you NEED to hear.

I’m going to share specific topics on specific days. Ask any of my friends, I’m OCD like that and that’s pretty much how I roll. We’ll talk about finances. marketing, social media, website tips and photography skills and address some cold, hard, truths about what it takes to succeed and how not to let photography rule your life.

So, thanks for joining me, I mean that sincerely.


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