Image: Stuart Miles /

There. I said it. If you’re not offended now, then I welcome you to my little corner of the internet. We’re going to have a real beneficial time chatting (or rather YOU will have a beneficial time reading MY chatter). I hope.

So, what the hell does that mean? (OK – 2 cuss words in an article is my limit, you can uncover your ears now).

It means, dear friend, stop stalking your competition on Facebook, stop doing searches for new photographers in your area. Stop looking at other photographers’ price lists and then commencing with the wailing, moaning, gnashing of the teeth and beating of the breasts.

Just stop it, stop it now!

It’s non-productive.

I want you to cop an attitude. Or rather a non-attitude. Stop caring. Do a little mental activity and think to yourself “Kiss my ass!” (that’s 3) every time you see a competitor post a photo of a former client in the exact same location you like to photograph. Get cocky! Don’t let some stranger dictate your mood for the day.

I do a lot of networking with other photographers and you know what? Every time 2 or more photographers get together, the subject of new competitors with a Rebel and a kit lens pops up and from there the conversation goes to $25 CDs with all the images to stealing locations and clients. And it makes for pretty lame conversation.

And for god’s sake, don’t talk to your clients about it, either. It makes you sound jaded and spoiled. Client appointments should be about the client and capturing wonderful images. No one wants to listen to you bitch (ok, that makes 4, I lied).

Let’s just get over it, already. Kthanksbye!

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  1. I am guilty of this. However, I belong to a classified site that I’ve been liquidating items on, and about every 10th post is a new person saying I do CHEAP pictures.

    1. Alrighty, then. It happens – we’ve all been guilty of it (me included). So, let’s take in a deep breath, let it out with a nice low “OMMMMMMMMMMMM” and then yell as loud as we can…1…2…3… “KISS MY ASS!!!” There, feel better? See – I knew you would! 🙂