Why Am I Doing This?

I’ve gotten some feedback from some folks since the starting up of Wootness.net.

Most of it has been overwhelmingly positive, but I’ve had a few people just not “get” why I am doing this. They think I’m educating my competition and making the problem worse. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. It’s still a little soon to tell, but frankly, I kinda don’t care. I have some things to say and there are some folks out there who have some things to learn. And maybe there are some folks that already learned the things I’m talking about, but they enjoy the laugh they get when they think back to their humble beginnings and shake their heads, because they made the exact same mistakes.

Some other feedback I’ve gotten is that I write “crass” and “unprofessional.” Honestly, this site started out as a personal project and was more like a diary (I really didn’t figure ANYone would read it). So I felt I was safe in being a little relaxed with the language. OK, valid point, I’ll try and clean it up a little with the words I use. I’m not going to go back and edit anything, and I’m not going to change my style of writing, but I will try and not use hell, damn, bitch and ass so much. OK?

I’m on the road, today and have pre-written a few articles to get you through the day, but they’re more informational than snarky, so here’s a What the Duck cartoon to start your day with a laugh. Rest assured, you won’t be chased away from Wootness!

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  1. Okay #117 here and this is my 2 cents…..I think people are ridiculous when they are worried about “competition”! Um, hello, there is this thing called the internet and it has a vast amount of information for people to get their hands on without even have to get dressed and leave the house to go…. wait for it… to a library… or to school! So, if people are worried about competition, I don’t think they should be getting on your case!

    10 years ago when I wanted to start up a business I didn’t have the 2 most important things I need. 1) thick skin to handle the harsh truths. 2) Someone to help me know where to begin, how to find my style, where to go once I had a clue, etc. Now that is all available via the internet one way or another. The great thing is that there are some people who are cool enough to say “Hey, here is how you can do it and make an attempt at being successful. Good luck!” I think that is pretty awesome. I started my business 3 years ago, and was blessed thanks to the internet to find friends who were in the field, not local to me and willing to share tips, tricks, and just support each other. It’s been amazing for all of us!

    It’s not like you are holding anyone’s hand and doing it for them. The hardest parts of running a business, such as, the pricing, the customer service, finding your style, being true to yourself… all the things that will truly make or break your business… no one can do those for you. They can only make suggestions and that is so wonderful AND so helpful. If the competition doesn’t realize the difference, they are being silly! However, here you are willing to help inform. Help make it fun. Help make it not so darn scary. So you know what, Wootness to you!!!! To all those people who are complaining… since we have to keep it clean… bug off!!!!