Monday Mood? Get Over It!

I’m having a Monday. A REALLY. BAD. MONDAY.

Such a bad Monday that I missed my 6AM and 12PM article deadlines and you’re stuck with reading about my Monday. But that’s okay, because I do have a point.

Right now my family is taking care of a terminally ill relative. The end is near. Very  near. A sudden decline this morning and three phonecalls in a 5 minute period of time had me abandoning my scheduled plans and racing to do a requested errand before my scheduled shift of care (what do you call this, when it’s your turn to stay with someone?).

I raced to WalMart and made the purchases I needed and headed to the checkout where I was greeted by an enthusiastically cheerful cashier.

I wanted to slap her.

As she asked how my day was and chirped at me to have a wonderful afternoon, I wanted to reach across the counter and grab her by her obnoxious blue vest and drag her close and scream in her face that the baby monitor I was buying was not for a baby, it was for a 91 year old woman who was losing her voice and that I’m afraid I won’t be able to hear her if she needs me. I wanted to scream and cry about the unfairness of life.

I wanted to wipe that cheery little smile off her face.

But I didn’t.

I smiled and thanked her and wished her a happy afternoon as well.

And here comes my point…

We all have rough day days. Maybe the washer overflowed and flooded the basement or your husband was a real dork last night and you’re still steaming at him.

Whatever it is, get over it. If you can’t get over it, fake it.

When you deal with clients, whether it be for a session, a phone inquiry or a viewing appointment, it’s not about you. It’s ALL. ABOUT. THEM.

So swallow whatever it is that’s threatening to spew out of your mouth and focus on your client and give them the best possible service that you can. It’s not only professional, but it WILL help you to focus on someone else for awhile and put your current crisis on the back burner.

Now, go out there and have a nice day! 🙂

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  1. You’re kind of my hero, woman, but even Superman needs to hang up the cape every once in a while! Hopefully there’s someone taking care of you as you tend to your family during this time. Warm thoughts, hugs, and prayers for strength and peace headed yalls way <3

  2. I hope all is well at home. I have been there with terminally ill family members and it takes a toll. But, Family comes first. If you need a break from this (as mentioned above) we will all understand. And I agree with the message in this post.

  3. I am so sorry christine. I am dealing with this same issue, except in my case it is my mother. I know the caregiver burden and the never knowing what is on the other end of the ringing phone. Hang in there, and know you aren’t alone in that pain.

    So glad you have yourself together enough to have a guest blogger so you won’t need to worry about meeting wootness deadlines. You have enough on your plate. (((HUGS)))

  4. *hugs* I’m so sorry. I’m sure that many of your readers will agree with me when I say that it’s ok to take a hiatus from worrying about your blog in order to be with family at this time. Take care!

  5. That’s a great reminder. We do need to provide the most excellent service to our clients, no matter what is going on in our own lives. I am really enjoying your all of your posts!

    I have been in your shoes and know how tough that is. Make sure you are all taking care of yourselves, too.