Oh hey, it’s day 2!

Yay Amy!!

Major High-Wootness-Five to Amy Wolf Jones who let me know that she joined in and did all the activities of yesterday. Now that right there’s Wootness, I don’t care who you are.

Wootness challenge – take a photo of your office. Right now, Before you do anything else in the 61-derful challenge. Don’t move a thing. Take a few different angles. Hold onto them for safekeeping. 😉 Seriously. You’ll be utilizing these later.

Yes, these are the same instructions as yesterday. It is not a mistake. Every morning after a day in which I have you go through things on your desk for one of the assignments, we will take photos of the general condition of our offices. Trust me. You will be proud and amazed. Don’t skip this assignment.

Assignment? What assignment?

If you read through the articles I am writing for this 61-derful challenge, you will understand what the assignments are. Don’t make me hand-hold you through this. I won’t. In fact, I will refuse to. If you want to come along for the ride, come along. If you want to do the work, do the work. It makes no difference to me. I’ll be happy you joined me, but I won’t lose sleep if you don’t.


Yep, this is the day when you gather up all of those stray checks, record them in your accounting program and take them down to your handy-dandy bank and deposit them. While you are there – get some spare deposit slips. When you get back to your office, fill in the new deposit slips with your account number so they are prepped. In this day and age, I run out of deposit slips way faster than I run out of checks. I am constantly putting off going to the bank because I was out of deposit slips and would have to go *IN* the bank. Yes, I’m that lazy. It is what it is. Instead of trying to change me – {face it – I’m 48 – I’m not gonna change!} – I adapted to my temperament. So, I know I hate going into a bank and prefer to do all of my banking in the drive through. Fine. Great. Now I just need to make sure that I always have the proper banking supplies on hand. Easy peasy.


You know – it looks like we’ll have to pay this area a bit of attention. Every day – delete all non-essential email and unsubscribe from 5 vendors. I personally, would unsubscribe from B&H. Why? Because I am 100% loyal to them and buy all of my gear there except an occasional odd item from a trade show. I don’t spend my money when there is a sale, I spend my money when I have money and decide there is something I need.


Do 1/2 day of backlog. We talked about this yesterday.


61 days is a really long time. I’d like you to set some short-term goals for yourself with an appropriate award for reaching the goal.

I am going to my state professional organization’s fall conference on November 12-14. I have arranged my  schedule so that a certain amount of workload will be handled and finished with before I leave town. I really despise having work hanging over my head while I am trying to take a break. I rarely take a vacation, so the annual fall conference and the annual convention each spring are what I consider my “vacations.”

So – this short term goal is a no-brainer and a necessity: Wipe out all backlog by 11/11/11.

Reward: Attending Conference. Duh!… uh…no. I’m going to go to this conference no matter what happens, so this is not a true reward.

Revised reward: Spending Thanksgiving Day weekend refurbishing my office. 🙂

Today I:

  • Prepared bank deposit (bank only open until noon on Wednesday, so actual deposit will be made tomorrow)
  • Attended webinar on internet marketing
  • Cleared 25 emails out of inbox, unsubscribed from 5 lists
  • Worked on backlog
  • Designed and uploaded 2 Fan Club Freebies for upcoming weeks.

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  1. Oh, and it’s good to point out that I don’t have a photography business — you just make good business sense! :0D

  2. Wanted to give you a great big Wootness THANK YOU for posting this approach to office manager / revamping enthusiasm / all around awesomeness. Because of YOU and your approach and your inspiration, I have kicked total ass on my workload this past week. (You can’t tell by looking at my office, but my digital work files and all my other work tasks are now taking orders from ME, instead of the other way around.)

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I was sitting at the point of overwhelmed and whining and complaining “Oh woe is me, I’ll never get caught up and I can’t do anything” and you kicked me in the ass to stop making excuses and just make a difference. I feel SO MUCH BETTER for it.

    *hugs* and thanks. 🙂