Today I want you to really think about what it is you’re putting on your Facebook page. As far as your personal life, I have no opinion, but on your business page, you need to use a little common sense.

One of the biggest things I  see that is just poor business management is to use your Facebook page to communicate important messages to clients.

I have seen photographers post that they are behind and will get to everyone’s orders as soon as possible. Seriously?

Do NOT use Facebook to communicate a delay in orders/processing/etc to your clients. They deserve a personal call or email to let them know that there is an issue. Not everyone lives and dies by Facebook.

Another thing that I find unprofessional is to constantly announce what you are working on. I don’t need to see a list everyday of what jobs you are editing in what order. Neither do your clients. This just really comes across as bragging about how busy you are. Stop it now.

Facebook is becoming bogged down with repeat messages  and “wah wah wah ” (think Charlie Brown’s teacher). Make sure the messages you post are pertinent, interesting and informational. If people constantly see multiple daily updates, they will tune you out, either by ignoring your posts or unsubscribing to your updates. Then, when you DO have something important for your status update, no one will be paying attention to you.

Think about it. I’ve unsubscribed to a lot of pages that I’ve “liked.” It doesn’t matter how many “likes” you have, if no one is actually reading your page, it doesn’t do you a damn bit of good. Use Facebook sensibly. Boy, did that sound like a safe sex ad or what?

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