
Be warned that this is a line of personal thinking that led to mini-epiphany about my business, so hang in there – I do have a point.

Let’s talk about fashion. Me? Fashion? [pause for laughter]

Let’s just say that once upon a time, my friend Karen admitted to being tempted to submitting my name to some show called “What Not to Wear.”

I’m not that bad, any more, but I’m no fashionista by a long shot.

But, I used to be. Not exactly a fashionista, but I worked a full time job and did the whole power-suit and heels thing. I was never one for makeup, but I was young and really didn’t need it.

But, the mid-thirties hit, I got a transfer to a different department where the dress code was relaxed, yada yada yada. But the truth is, I gained weight. And “cute clothes” became something I no longer felt comfortable wearing. So enter FrumpyWear – your answer to hiding those extra bulges with floppy and loose clothing.

No one was fooled.

Right  now, I’m digging the jeggings thing  – but because I have scads of embroidered studio dress shirts that I ordered WAY too large. They’re like a dress on me. SO, big shirt plus jeggings plus cool black boots with buckles on them = a look that covers stuff up, yet looks a little fashionable. I’m digging it. I think it looks cute. I get lots of compliments on the boots, anyway, so I’ll take it.

I haven’t asked my husband how he thinks it looks because I know he will tell me he thinks I should put on a belt. He is okay with the pounds I’ve put on since I met him – and to be honest – when I met him I was probably 10 pounds under what I should have been. So yeah, in the grand scheme of things, I don’t have a LOT of weight to lose, but for some reason, over the past 10 years or so, I’ve “let myself go.”


I would *SO* put on a belt – if I was skinny.

So, I was musing these thoughts when I was getting dressed this morning (burgundy shirt/denimn jeggings), and I really started to wonder what the hell was wrong with me that I had not made the effort to trim down those pounds. I could stand to lose 35 pounds. That is usually the goal every time I try to lose weight. And generally, I’ll get down 10 pounds or so before I fall off the wagon and never get back on, Then I gain it back.

Once I got to 6 pounds above my goal weight. I was looking and felt great. I was in the middle of a three week run of a stage performance of “Jerry’s Girls.” I think I had 13 costume changes over 2 hours and most of them were slinky and clingy dresses. The sequined kind. With my top secret body-shaper underneath, I was looking pretty good. And then the show ended and I could enjoy food. And I did. Until I had gained it all back.

That was 6 years ago. And now I’m just older. So – what the heck? Seriously? This is what it’s going to be – frumpy your way into old-lady-hood?

I don’t think so.

So – ya’ll have probably figured out I’ll be going on a diet. Yes, but that’s not the point.

I started thinking about my business and whether or not it’s wearing baggy clothes.

Yes, seriously.

For a long time, my office was out of control. Whenever I had a session, I would close my office door because it was right next to the client bathroom and I didn’t want any clients to see the horrid mess on their way to the bathroom. Like a baggy shirt thrown on over the bulges, I was covering up my mess by closing the door.

I could deal with the fat, but I didn’t want anyone else to see it.


So, I’ve been on a major reorganizing kick, in my office, studio and home. I completeley emptied out and reorganized the office. I’m revamping policies and procedures, pricelists, packages and any other thing you can think of. I’m paying attention to branding.

It’s time to shape it up and get rid of the excess flab. I’ve made a pile of items on one side of my studio that I am either giving away or selling. I have some gear that I have not used in ages and I gave away a coffee table that looked good, but just was too large for the space it was in. My studio was starting to look too messy for my OCD tendencies and it was no longer a space I was proud of.

We’re streamlining over here. I’m getting rid of the excess and straightening up what’s left.

Sounds like diet and exercise, huh?

 I’d like to challenge all of you to do the same. Start wearing belts. Figuratively, that is. Straighten up what you’ve already got. Start looking-good, both in your physical care and in your surroundings. Ger rid of the frumpy clothes.

I’m revamping the client waiting area of my studio to look more high end. I’m removing anything unframed and staying with the luxury framed items I already have. I’m removing anything from a vendor that they may be able to access and displaying only items available to pro photographers.

Then, I challenge you all to go on a diet. Again, figuratively. Is your filing system a bunch of papers thrown into a box? That’s not healthy (for your business). Get some things straightened up. Get caught up on entering your receipts into Quickbooks. Get better about recording your mileage. Put together an archive system and get a back-up system in place.

We can all improve, just like darn near everyone struggles with 10 pounds.

So – put on a belt and lose some weight! 😉

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