So, yeah, I went MIA for awhile.

Life got a little bit overwhelming because yours truly had WAY too many irons in the fire and then was hit with a health issue that required rest and care. Nothing serious and things seem to be fine, now, so I’m carrying on.

While I was MIA, I did some reprioritizing. What started out as business revamping, studio clean out, website upgrade and new pricing for the year turned into a reprioritizing of my personal life.


Somehow I had let my life become overwhelmingly photography-based and was neglecting my role as mother, wife, grammy, sister, etc…

Or perhaps I was not taking the time to enjoy my role as mother, wife, grammy, sister, etc…

So, for the past month or so, I’ve been relaxing and enjoying life,  taking LOTS of naps and eating fruit. If you know me in person, you’ll understand the fruit thing. I have been surviving on fried food & junk food for the past 20 years, so popping something fresh and nutritious into my mouth is just not something I do. The closest I get to fruit are tropical flavored life-savers . 🙂

I’ve taken the time to just enjoy life.

I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve just sat and looked out the window at the sky.

I’ve cuddled with my kitties and given WAY too many treats to the dog.

I’ve increased my husband’s hug-dosage by 300%.

I bought plane tickets on the spur of the moment and traveled to meet the newest grandbaby and then spent an entire weekend holding her.

I made a cake.

I picked out a project on Pinterest, pinned it and actually made the danged thing. It’s not perfect, but it’s hanging on my wall.

I went through my underwear drawer and finally threw away all those expensive underwire bras that were falling apart and poking me in the you-know-what.

I’ve let go of people and things that were not healthy for me.

So, while I’ve neglected Wootness, it was a temporary measure in order to revamp my life a bit.

I’m back and will be around on a semi-regular basis. And if you read yesterday’s post, you can assume that a kinder, gentler Wootness is forthcoming.



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  1. I had an unexpected health issue myself that took a few weeks to get over. Photography is way too much my llife also. My little break allowed me to get lots of hugs from the people I really care about. Life is good! BTW I LOVE Wootness!