Many thanks to David Deutsch for this little nugget of title.

One of the things that drives me absolutely crazy is to hear photographers pricing by “sheets.” A sheet is an 8×10 piece of photographic paper, that can also be divided into 8 wallets, 4 4x5s or 2 5x7s. This is a unit name used by a lot of retail chain studios. Studios that are cheap and do not offer custom ANYthing.

For some reason, a slew of photographers have decided that they should market the same way. I don’t get it. Why would you want to put yourself in the same category? If you use the same names as the cheap chains, then your clients will expect the same pricing as the chains. I’m here to tell you, you’re not going to stay in business by charging $5.99 a sheet.

Start acting like the big boys and girls you are and call your product line by the proper names. If you want to arrange your pricing so that an 8×10 is the same price as 8 wallets, 4 4x5s or 2 5x7s, then by all means, do so. Just quit calling them “sheets,” those belong on beds.

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  1. Sorry, I'm not getting it. A Porsche and a Kia are both called "cars". I've worked for some pretty damn good studios, including the one I own, that use that terminology. Nobody has confused us with WalMart. Just my 2 cents.

    1. Jim, this is not a professional photographer. Check out the photos in the portfolio. I also saw an ad for a lighting workshop in there. This person has no business advising anyone on anything photography related. LOL I can't believe you responded! 😉