Well, hello!

First of all – I’m BACK! But, what I intend on doing from this point forward, is yet undecided.

Wootness was born in September 2011. Not because it was needed, not because it was my main focus. But because I made the decision to leave my studio temporarily and help care for an elderly and ill member of my family.  I was no longer in the comfort of  my office during the day, but offsite with a laptop and some odd chunks of time on my hands. Time that I used to channel into writing, commentary and humor. Time that I used to shield myself from the sadness and illness around me and lose myself in a brand of humor that sometimes I only understood.

The temporary measure to care for one person, turned into a 14 month stint to help care for two people until both of their deaths.

There came a time, when lengthy articles requiring illustrations and research were no longer possible and the only humor I could muster up were one-liners that were incorporated into cartoons. Oh the cartoons. Some of you hated them. Suck it up and know that I was probably *this* close to puddling heap and needed the Wootness laugh break to keep me going.

At times, Wootness helped me cope through some tough times. And when the times got so tough, that I could no longer wrestle a snarky comment from my soul – I abandoned Wootness, knowing that it would be there to work on when I was able to write, again.

There were times when I cursed the day I decided to start Wootness. Sometimes, the hate mail and rude personal comments were more than I could bear, and my little website only added to my grief instead of helped relieve it. I tried to stay unaffected by it, but I must admit to finally learning to freely exercise my rights to unfriend, delete and block to help keep the insanity at bay.

My off-site, half-closed studio status is now null and void. With the very recent passing of my dear father-in-law, I now find that all of my time is my own and I’m ready to go back to work full-time. I’m preparing to re-open my studio under a new name and with a new focus. It’s a time of rebirth.

Wootness may or may not return and prosper. I haven’t decided. I’ve received an offer for the content of the site, but Wootness is my baby and shall forever stay here, under my control, even if nothing else is ever added to the site.

Normally, I’d jump right back in, but since this site was born of a need for an outlet that no longer exists for me, I’ve not yet made a final decision.

But I wanted to say “hey!” and give you all a high-Wootness five. 🙂


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  1. I really enjoy the cartoons, have missed the site, and wish you the best in the future. I have been in this business for 40 years and lately have been watching the level or respect for our profession and in many cases our own professionalism decline on a daily basis. I hope you area able to make a living in our chosen field. Good luck.

  2. So sorry about the rude hate mail that came along with Wootness. But like you said, "unfriend, delete & block" are way to go! Glad to see you are getting back on your feet! I'm here, anxious to see your revamped biz!