Hey Look, another cute photo of puppies for your enjoyment!
copyright christine walsh-newton


Today is March 15th. By 5PM I should have all my print competition entries, finished, registered, entered and sent. Sure, I’ll pause while you wipe up the pop you just spat out.

Since I don’t have time to write a lot, I’ll just leave you with a few thoughts…

I see that some of you are making arrangements for Easter photos. That involve chicks, bunnies, ducklings and the like. Without getting all preachy crazy on you – I’m just going to say this – be careful and be clean. Those little animals crap all over the place and animal crap is dirty and has germs, bacteria and other gross stuff in it. Clean your hands and anything the animals touch CONSTANTLY.

Once upon a time, when Mr. Wootness and I lived on the family farm, we decided to raise chickens. Aww, they were so cute. They came in a box in the mail and we had an incubator all set up and boy were they cute and chirpy. Mr. Wootness did a lot of work with them and handled them a lot when they were new. Within a few days, Mr. Wootness was collapsed on the floor of our bedroom after having vomited all.night.long. He could not stay upright or conscious. With a LOT of work, I got him in the car and rushed him to the ER. When he was admitted, his blood pressure was 60/40. He damn near died. He had septic shock and was in the ICU for several days.

So, that is why I don’t use live baby animals in my shoots with children. The chance is probably rare that a similar event would occur with a client, but I’ve seen it, it’s happened to me and I ain’t never going there, again. So… be careful and be clean. K?


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