March 31, 2013 Haikutography copuright christine walsh-newton
March 31, 2013 Haikutography copyright christine walsh-newton

If you read my last article When your Passion for Photography is MIA, you understand why immediate Wootness rescue is in order. In order to re-instill the passion into my life and my work, I must reach deep into the Wootness bag of tricks and recycle things that have raised my Wootness quotient in the past. I will spend the next 30 days in pursuit of Wootness. Join me. Consider it a spritual journey…

Haiku has always been a bit of silliness in my life. Once upon a time I had a boss that would make bets with me (on football games, random stuff) and the loser had to write the winner a Haiku.

Yeah, it was random and it was weird. But it was also silly and fun. And I liked it.

Several years ago, when looking for a 365 project that was a little “out of the box,” I decided to do Haiku-tography.  This was before Wootness, when I was struggling with needing to write more, but not having the outlet. I decided to incorporate it into my photo of the day project and write a Haiku for each day.

As a project, it kind of tanked. I did do 50 days of Haiku-tography, but it was a year when I had a lot of things going on in my life and just didn’t make the time to complete the assignment every single day.

I will say, that the 50 days of project that I completed we so very much more telling than any photo of the day project I had attempted before.

Back then, I was using the big girl camera for the shots, so I took more care. No random iPhone pics because I had to get one in for the day. I took the time to capture a nice image, post process it and then apply some mental time to it when creating the Haiku.

So, I’m gonna try and do a little bit more Haiku-tography over the next 30 days.

Here’s some others I did in the past:


May 6, 2011 Haikutography. Copyright Christine Walsh-Newton
May 6, 2011 Haikutography. Copyright Christine Walsh-Newton

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