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#12 in the series 30 Ways of Wootness.

Yes, I’ve been missing in action. No, I did not get banned from Facebook. Yes, it just so happens that Facebook had me under a 7 day restriction (not allowed to send friend requests or PMs to people I didn’t know) because someone reported that they did not know me outside of Facebook when I friend-requested them. Yeah, whatever, like we all personally know every single person we friend request. Whatever. I’m over it.

But, in the midst of all of that, I was already on a self-imposed Facebook restriction. As of 8AM on Friday, March 29th, I decided to go offline as much as possible and just take a break. I found that I was letting things I read on Facebook hype me up. I was getting angry, sad and frustrated with a lot of what I saw scrolling through the news feed. And I asked myself, “What do these people matter?” These people, most of whom I don’t know “in real life”, that Facebook introduced me to, who says I’m not supposed to be friends with them, well, heck, maybe Facebook knows what it’s talking about, you know?? 😉 I was letting their political, religious and sometimes just stupid rants and stati updates throw me into a tizzy.  Time to nip that in the bud.

So 17 days later… where am I?

Oh my gosh. I am so de-stressed, it’s a miracle. My work is caught up, my house is clean, my office is clean and Christine is a happy camper. I have found so many more hours in my day that weren’t there before. I still catch myself doing a quick catch-up with friends via the smart phone, but the hours and hours I spent online with the laptop have been greatly reduced.

So, try it. It’s brought me more Wootness in 17 days than I’ve had in the past year.

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