Wootness195In the beginning, Wootness was a fun way to poke fun at myself and cause laughter among other photographers who could relate and hopefully, to educate some newer photographers that were in the middle of making the same mistakes.

After 2.5 years of writing over 250 articles and almost 200 cartoons, I find myself at an impasse.

As time goes on, and the newbies keep coming and making the same damn mistakes over and over again…. it has all ceased being funny. I just can’t find the humor any more. At least not today.

There are plenty of websites out there that blatantly make fun of newbies, some going so far as to use specific images from specific photographers to poke fun at. And most of the times, it’s not in fun, there’s just downright mean and nasty attitudes and comments bandied about. And horror of horrors, these websites are actually popular. Whoda thunk ?

I’m a numbers kind of gal and I keep a pretty close eye on the stats for this site. And what I’ve found is that the most popular of my articles are the ones that contain cuss words in the title or are bitch vents. And at times I’ve specifically used these techniques to pump up the views and clicks. But you know what? I’m tired of it. Sometimes I want to write from the heart and say something meaningful, and those posts sometimes only have clicks in the single digits. That’s disheartening… to realize that you’re only going to get read if you’re bitching about something…

I’m tired of the bitching, whining and moaning about the newbies. I too, am tired of the constant influx of poor work into the market place, but the answer is not to form a photography posse and hunt down the newbies, publicly shaming them. Yeah, they should be ashamed at putting that kind of work out there, but I don’t think it behooves any of us to be part of drama. I’m tired of the photography hordes that just seem to be waiting for someone to start the latest bitch fest so they can jump in with both feet. It’s not funny and it brings no one joy… where’s the Wootness in that?

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  1. very well said. I agree with Steven Webb I hope you continue posting Wootness I love reading it and I appreciate it when it is not a bitch fest but being honest and funny. Thank you.

  2. I really enjoy reading what you write. I'm currently stuck in between posting dumb images and rising to the standard of what real professional photographers should create. Thank you for all your great posts. I hope you continue to still write. 😀

  3. Thank you for your contribution to the photographic community, particularly the professional portion. I hope you continue posting "Wootness". Those inspirational cartoons are both enlightening and entertaining. All artists, writers and creatives hit blocks or dry spells. I hope this is the case for you and that we've not seen the end of your wit, humor and devotion to the craft. Best wishes to you on your continued success and happiness.

  4. I love you, I follow your blog. You are entertaining, and you say things much better than I can. I don't want to be part of the problem, when I copy what you write I'm trying to be a part of the solution. Cuss words! What cuss words?