Today I was doing a Google search on my name, just checking to see what showed up in the image search, and this blast from the past showed up:

1002fall.2 Wow! This is an image I shot somewhere in the early 1990’s. I was walking around my yard, saw a leaf on the ground, ran in the house & got some masking tape and taped it up to an old barn door. I probably took 2-3 frames of it and then went on to something else.

Later, I entered it in a local amateur group’s photography contest and it won 1st place in its category.

Almost a decade later, it was printed in the October 2002 issue of Petersen’s Photographic. I got paid $25 and 10 copies of the magazine.

Wow. My first publication. I still have a small stack of magazine copies left, but have since lost the negative.

As I was reminiscing, I tried to remember what camera I shot it with and that’s when I remembered….. and I began to laugh.

OMG! I used to shoot Canon! I’d forgotten, I think I must have buried it deep in my subconscious. At one point I did have an X-370 kit – but the camera that captured this image was something more important than that – a special camera that came out and was totally new and unique compared to any other camera…

… drumroll please….

it was taken with the Canon Photura:


So, dear Canon friends, this is why I just can’t return to the fold… THIS was my Canon experience. 😉

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