Praise for Wootness!™

Hi Christine,
I was given the link to your Wootness website from the Masters of Photography FB page. I am very impressed with your approach and frankness. I have been a photographer for over 40 years and I preach the same message to my students, peers and sometimes to wannabees. Thank you for your contribution and passion. I have just one suggestion. The title should be “The big Girls and Boys Guide to starting a photography business. You website works for all of us!

Thanks again,
Tim Mathiesen
Fellow – American Society of Photographers





Hi Christine,

I really like your blog and your GREAT About Page:

“Wootness™! will not congratulate you with a hug – it will pound you on the back and cheer in your ear until deafness approaches. And then it will buy the next round.”

I shared your post about our courses with our team in what I call the “Daily Boost” to show how our membership expands through solid writers like you :)

Genius and pleasing blog! Keep it up!




Thank you for all of your tips and raw advice! I have found it incredibly helpful while starting my photography business! In fact, I set aside time each week to read your articles…I consider it my “study” time each week. so, again..thank you!

Sarah Longley




After landing what I mistakenly thought was a “dream job” in marketing, I ‘lost” that job after only 5 days! The boss and I quickly realized we were NOT the match we thought. Understandably upset and now unemployed, I looked back at my life and I knew what I wanted. Having been a co-owner/artist assistant/marketing gal of an studio that included photography, pottery and altered art several years prior, I realized the desire, the dream the itch and the “want-to” to do artistic photography had never left waned! As I began to research for current trends, relevant information and yes, even some “advice” I found WOOTNESS!! Having read nearly everything Christine has posted AND looked at her website, her book and a couple of the links, I find myself educated, intrigued, enlightened, encouraged, amused and even inspired!! I think she “gets” people like me and how refreshing to discover someone else who kinda-sorta thinks like me!! I too consider my time on WOOTNESS, time very well spent as I reinvent my life as an artist! Thanks Christine….WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!

Suess K (in progress)




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  1. Dear Abby, I mean Christine,

    Your site is a refreshing blend of blasphemy and ridicule… I hope that you never lose that incorrigible twist in your ramblings. Your epistles ooze the realities faced by the modern day professional photographer. It’s a squirt of lemon in an otherwise bland “don’t rock-the-boat” industry. Thank you for time well spent in front of this infernal computer screen….
