2010-2011 PPO President Aaron Patterson, Lynda Brown, Rod Brown. @2011 PPO Annual Convention. Copyright Tom Welsh Photography.

I think it’s great to have photog crushes. I have a lot of them. I’m happily (VERY happily) married, so my crushes are all about photographic ability.

I’m an active member of the Professional Photographers of Ohio and am lucky enough to have been elected as a trustee on the board of directors for 2011-2014. So, I have a pretty good overall view of the photographers of the PPO.

Anyone who is active in their state organization knows who “the photographers” are.

Maybe I’m being partial, but Ohio has several “the photographers.” The names most often seen are Warren Mott, Rod Brown, Darell Moll, Lynda Brown, Mark Garber, Jennifer Gillman, John Johnson, Linda Johnson, Robert Kunesh, Bob Hughes, Elaine Hughes, Greg and Kathie Wurtzler, Steve and Julie Busch, etc etc etc. When you become involved in a state organization, you very quickly become acquainted with the award-winning photographers on your state level. Maybe I’m being biased, but I think Ohio represents VERY well in competition.

It’s really easy to have a crush on people like Jasmine Star, Joey, [B]ecker, Zach Arias and others because they’re so OUT there. It takes some study and patience to find people like Rod to crush on. Yeah, Rod, I hope you and Lynda can look me in the face when I see you in a few weeks ;).

A few years ago, the PPA had a special class day, similar to a Super Monday, in which qualified people gave an all-day presentation on how to get involved in print competition. Rod taught one of these classes. That’s no surprise, the man is brilliant in competition. I drove 4 hours one way to attend his class. And 4 hours home. And didn’t regret a moment of it.

At Ohio’s last annual convention, I helped out in setting up the print display. Afterwards, we realized that we also had a ASP Fellow display to set up. ASP is the American Society for Photographers. Suffice it to say, not many are members, a PPA degree is required for membership. There are just over 100 fellows. Every year a very small handful of photographers apply for the fellowship with a 25 print display and a thesis. Last year Rod Brown was successful in his bid for fellowship.

So, there is a metal case with 25 prints plus a few extra general prints to be hung. The PPO president arranged for the pipe and drape and I took the case down to the area and hung the display.

I felt so incredibly honored.

I know that most people working print room would look at this at yet another mundane task to be taken care of  – but I – oh – the chills that ran through me as I handled each of the prints with gloved hands and decided how they should be displayed. It was as if I was in charge of arranging a museum display, for that is truly how it felt. The beauty in each of the pieces just could not be expressed in words. If I may…it was a spiritual experience for me. I’m sure that sounds nuts, but it is what it is. A Fellowship is on my bucket list and I know how extremely hard this process will be, but I am determined…and to handle the display of a fellowship recipient was an honor I cannot begin to explain.

At the end of the conference, Rod and his wife, Lynda and friend Darrel Moll helped me take the display down. I mentioned that some day I hoped to be a fellow – I’m sure that came across as a little silly. But I don’t care. I’m gonna do it. Mark my words.

So, to Rod and all the PPO peeps…I am not worthy…

Check Rod’s work out:

Facebook: Rod Brown Photography

See Rod’s ASP Fellowship Thesis and Submitted Images

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