This photo has nothing to do with this article. I'm weird like that. Yeah, it's mine. copyright christine walsh-newton.

I’m skipping “Social Sunday” this week. Or maybe I’ll write one later today. But for now, there’s this.

Who do I think I am?

I know I am 48 and when I was 45, I was forced to change careers. A risky thing for a woman to do at my age. There was downsizing, I lost my job,  I couldn’t stay in my previous career due to its high degree of specialization and low number of local jobs. I decided to turn to photography.

I’m a genuine person, but I’m also a realist. As such, I knew the cards were stacked against me.

I was driven. I was on a mission. I’m an OCD driven maniac of a woman. I’m so highly focused on goals that they don’t dare be out of reach. I steamrolled my way into business and never looked back. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished inside of 3 years and I have no desire to stop. Don’t get me wrong, I have no illusion that I’m a “Rock Star” or that any of you have actually heard of me. I’m not all that and a bag of chips, but I’m very happy where I am, photographically speaking. I’ve been a very lucky girl.

I’m also at that age where I can say “Been there, done that, honey!” And I don’t mean in a “I’m so better than you” way – I mean it in a “don’t waste your time, learn from my mistakes” way – you know?

For a long time I’ve wanted to put down on paper (or screen) some of the lessons I learned and the things I found out along the way. First, because I want to help and second, because it drives me crazy to see everyone repeat the same damn mistakes over and over again.

So, anyways- I wanted to write. But I had a full time studio, so there really wasn’t the time. I co-authored a book on photography last year. It took 4 months to write 37 articles. I remembered the nights and nights of edits and rewrites. Frankly, I wasn’t sure I had it in me to go through that again, especially for a book where I would be the sole author and responsible for ALL the content.

And then some sort of cosmic force intervened. My mother-in-law needed someone to stay with her at all times, so I began staying at my inlaws’ house during the day, while my sister-in-law (who lived with them) taught school. I temporarily closed the studio.

Suddenly I had 30+ hours a week where I could work on something other than photos. I was limited to a laptop that I could carry back and forth; it was entirely unsuitable for doing photo editing or retouching.

30 hours a week turned into  a writing project of no-nonsense advice for the new photographer. Advice I wished I’d received. Advice that darn near anyone of us could pass on, but no one does.

So, what’s with the ‘tude? Am I angry? Am I negative? No. I’m just realistic.

I have an advisory-girl team that takes a look at any article that I’m feeling may be “pushing the envelope” and tells me what they think. And  yes, I listen to them when they tell me I need to sit on one or that it needs a rewrite because it sounds too bitchy.

I think, if anything – the filters are a little bit off. Someone needs to say the things I am saying. So I’m saying it. And it ain’t all candy-coated and nicey nice. I don’t buy into the fairy-bearing unicorn theory and neither should you. So yeah, I’m being a bit blunt.

Maybe I’m tired. Tired of trying to be 100% tactful all of the time. I would never be rude or mean, but some of the things I say may hit close to home. Let’s just stop beating around the bush and say what needs said. It is what it is. Let’s be adults and talk on that level. It’s quicker and far more effective communication than the namby-pamby thing we’ve been engaging in. Let’s just all agree that we’re going to skip the nicey nicey stuff and cut to the chase and talk about the issues. That doesn’t mean I disrespect any one or their work, it means we can use our time as efficiently as possible. I won’t have to waste time writing all of the airy fairy politically correct crap and you won’t have to read it. Fair enough?

And… I’m getting old. Maybe I’m just getting all cranky like those dudes in “The Odd Couple.”

It pains me to see some of the truly idiotic stuff going on out there, so when I cop an attitude and declare some activity “reprehensible” or “downright tacky” it more than likely is. And if you find yourself part of a group that I have expressed disappointment in, I don’t know what to tell you. It is what it is. Let’s suck it up, acknowledge the error and change things around and go forward. That’s what I like to see. That’s Wootness!™

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  1. Christine, thank you for the work you do writing these articles. I agree, this world has gotten to a point where it isn't PC to tell people what they need to hear. You now have to "build their self esteem" instead of telling them why what they are doing is wrong. I hope that your readers are adult enough and mature enouh to realize that you do have their best interests at heart and at least think about your advice even if their feelings do get hurt in the process.