Oh hey, it’s Wednesday.

You know, I’m just not feeling Wootness today. I’m tired, cranky, probably PMSing and there’s a couple of things going on that are irritating the heck out of me.

So what’s a girl to do?

Well, I could tell myself to suck it up and get over it, but I would just get irritated at myself and say “bite me!” and then where would we be?

Sometimes the “kick in the pants approach” just doesn’t work.

Yep, I”m feeling a little bit sorry for myself today, so I think I need to thoughtfully ponder this whole Wootness thing and create a list of little Wootness blessings.

So, last night was my very last class with my Photography 102 students. Several times during the class I was pleasantly surprised when my students were able to pop off with quick whole step adjustments (without referring to their charts) and when I was explaining a technical concept one student exclaimed “I just understood everything you said!”

Yay for Wootness!

I cleaned out my supply closet yesterday and was able to adopt out almost everything I didn’t need any more.

Yay for Wootness!

I got all caught up with my print orders yesterday.

Yay for Wootness!

I’m going to a photography conference this weekend. I’m really looking forward to that.

More Wootness!

I’ve been working on an office-cleaning project and now I have lots of space and organization while I work. It’s very calming.

Wootness again!

I guess sometimes we have to find wootness in the little things. They’re not always going to be stunning moments in time that will be meaningful forever. Sometimes they may be as simple as making yourself a cup of coffee and adding a little mocha latte creamer to it for that sweet touch that makes you go “mmmm” for three seconds.

There, I feel better now. 🙂

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  1. Find the Wootness, find your grail. 🙂 And I’ll be around to kick you in the ass if you get too mopey. (Some Mopey is allowed. But not a lot. That’s why he wasn’t made one of the 7 Dwarves.)

    *HUGS and Wootness!!*