So, it’s been a whole week – how’s the organizational revamp going?


I met with one of our readers last night and she showed me what she’s been up to and she even had photos of her office from each day. So, HW5 to Candice McMath!


1. Process mail.

2. Update bank deposit, if applicable..

3. Email flush.

4. 50% of work day devoted to backlog.

5. Financial/accounting updates


How is everyone doing on their backlog? As of 5:40PM yesterday, mine is wiped out. Wootness!

I would imagine that at this point in time, after a week of serious devotion to wiping out backlog, we can safely assume everyone has come to grips with theirs and we can now get away from 50% of our day being devoted to backlog.


You must now schedule time to work on edits, orders and all the other work that creates the backlog if you let it get out of hand. Perhaps you will want to schedule a certain time period each day to work on stuff. My office time is every day from 2PM-6PM. I used to work all day and into the wee hours of the morning if that’s what it took, but all it did was make me tired and crazy. If you work consistently in reasonable amounts of time, you will be far more effective with staying caught up.

So – make yourself out a schedule and commit to it. If you find that you’ve got a 3 hour block of time for doing edits and you are completely caught up – work on something in advance. Update your blog, start designing the next promotion. I don’t care what it is – just do SOMEthing. This is not a signal to you to relax and spend the 3 hours playing Farmville or whatever other time-waster you’ve latched onto.

Another thing I’d like you to do is schedule a bed time. Yep, a bed time. There is no need for you to be in your office until 11 or 12 at night. You are WAY less productive when you are tired. You’ve also got your mind running like crazy if you work right up until you go to bed and I bet you just lay there sometimes thinking of all the stuff you have left to do.

And, you’re so tired from staying up late, that getting going in the morning is an issue.

So, schedule a bed time AND schedule a one hour wind-down period for yourself right before the bedtime. Do it. Be kind to yourself. Get some rest. I have spoken.


Oh boy, we’re gonna start a new list – of weekly to do items.

The first item on the list is backing up your files and your website/blog. It’s important to do this in specified intervals, not when you suddenly remember it 4 months after the last time you did it. Everyone’s needs are different, so decide what is best for you and put it on your schedule.

I do a daily backup of all of my websites and have an automated backup schedule. You can read about it in THIS ARTICLE.


  • Daily list
  • Re-purposed over 2 boxes of items (thank you Photo 102 students for adopting my stuff!)
  • Wiped out my backlog list (YAY!)

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